
Friday, August 30, 2019


First the teacher told us to go on canva. Canva is a poster were you can get stuff for free some of them are not for free some of them are for pro it cost 15 bucks to get pro. On canva we had to write and create the weathers after you finished. If you want to download it you press download.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Statistical Investigation

In maths strand we had to do Statistical Investigation then we had to get into two groups of two and I went with Lucas then after that we had to make a chart with are stuff we want to do after we finished we went and told people what there Favorited colour was blue was the most popular colour in puni-o-toka then we had to blog.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

M+M+ Maths

We are learning to find fraction of a number. We had to guess how many maths were in the packet. We had to say how many of each colour there was and write it as a fraction. In my packet there were yellow blue green brown and orange. Then we had to total them all together and count how much M+M there was then we had to put there colours together and see which colour has the most.
I hope you liked it leave a comment here so I can see.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Torn up world

In literacy we have been learning about space ships and space stuff then after that kakarika my group that was my group we had to draw a torn up world then after that when we finished we had to go and read with the teacher.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

RJ disgusting dinner

Today we had a task to do we had to pick which thing we would do these were the things that we got to pick there was your disgusting dinner and a moment in time on the moon then when we made are discusses we had to write what was the thing that you were doing I picked disgusting dinner it was about when I ate my worst dinner in the whole world after we finished we had to go and blog  about it while the moon group was on the ground with the teacher this my writing.

On Saturday I was watching a movie then my mum shouted it time for dinner then I was thinking what dinner it was going to be I thought it was butter chicken then when I came it was not butter chicken then after that I said what is that spaghetti and this was my first time eating spaghetti then I thought that the sauce was covered with blood and there were worms coming out of my plate and thought those round things were fireballs coming down to kill me after I took my first bite it felt like there were worms in my mouth then I told my mum I do not want to eat that again then I went back to watching some movies then I thought that those worms were bleeding and I never wanted to eat spaghetti again but when you get older you will start to like the foods that you use to not like that was my disgusting dinner.

Friday, August 9, 2019

A visit from gamma M caw v

Today we had a very exiting start to our day. We had a special visit from Gamma M Caw. She came and spake about her journey as a hokey  player she also told us about how to be friendly then she showed some also me   videos about not giving up. Then she also told us about how she accomplish her sport at the end we all had a photo together.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

What we did on Vennagaer

In cycbersmart we had to do vengeance we had to talk about cycbersmart we didn't get to finish some of are work next week we get to finish it and blog it again on are blog post.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Fraction of a number

In maths we have been learning how to find fraction of a number. We needed to get a white board and a white board pen then we needed to make a question about fraction we needed 3 answer they had to be different colour they are not allowed to use the same colours these are the colour that we needed white,blue,green,yellow,pink,purple,light green, I used blue yellow green purple red white.

Monday, August 5, 2019

Two d shape alien and rocket

In math we have been learning about two d shape and quarter and half in are active we had to play a game with some cards in a group we all had to get each card that match with then other card. When we have finished doing that we have to make an alien and rocket we have to know what shape we used to make the rocket and the alien we have to blog about are work then the teacher can see are blog.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Shout out to my buddy

Today we are learning about how to use screencastify. I already starting to now about my new buddy. The thing I don't like is when we have to share what we like. My video is saying hello to my new buddy. Give it a watch and see if you like it.